Using Fashion to Inspire Confidence

Using Fashion to Inspire Confidence

Using Fashion to Inspire Personal Confidence

Cover Photo by SHAYAN Rostami on Unsplash

Fashion is an important form of expression that empowers individuals to feel confident in their own skin. Beyond just an outer presentation, aligning your personal style with one’s personality, values and beliefs can greatly help build self-confidence. In this article, we will explore the connection between fashion and personal confidence and the positive impacts of dressing well, including tips on how to use fashion as a tool to boost self-confidence. Whether you are looking for reasons to elevate your personal style or just want to boost your confidence, this article will provide  insight on how to use fashion to feel empowered in your everyday life.

Fashion that Serves You

Wearing well-fitted and flattering clothing can instantly boost confidence. With brands constantly selling generic, mass-produced clothing, we tend to forget that clothes should serve you. The clothes you purchase should fit your body well, suit your body type, and complement your complexion. In addition to feeling like you look your best, clothes that do this are also more comfortable and can help you feel at ease in any situation. For instance, pants that are too long for you may cause anxiety about potentially tripping as you walk up to a group at a party rather than helping you achieve that confident walk.

Clothing that serves you means taking into account your preferences. While some people may feel their best in revealing clothes, others may feel more confident in conservative clothes. Accounting for personal style, rather than trends is also something you should attend to on your journey to use fashion to inspire personal confidence.


Fashion that Reflects You

Wearing fashion that reflects your personal style, values, and beliefs is helpful to ultimately boost confidence. Reflecting your internal thoughts and feelings through fashion helps communicate your unique identity and perspective. Through dressing in a way that is true to yourself, you may be able to find people who think in a way similar to you, connecting you through  fashion. Being with like-minded people can boost your self-identity. Moreso, being true to your fashion choices can in itself help you feel your best!

Choosing clothing and accessories that reflect your goals and aspirations can help you feel more motivated to pursue your dreams. For instance, if you are starting out in a corporate career and feel imposter syndrome, dressing in formal attire may instill a feeling of belonging and boost your confidence as you go on to achieve those dreams. In the same way, if you have a personal inspirational figure, dressing like them could help you feel equipped to do everything you think they are capable of doing!

Fashion that is Appropriate for The Occasion

Dressing appropriately for the occasion can help you prepare for any situations you may encounter. For instance, while a blazer and dress pants may make you feel great at the office, it may not be the best idea for the beach! Dressing according to the occasion can help you feel a sense of belongingness . It would mean that you feel ready for anything. Feeling prepared for anything is a great way to be more confident.

At the same time as dressing for the occasion, keeping your outfit unique also boosts confidence. Although some social rules apply, like the death stares someone would get for wearing white to someone else’s wedding will be unlikely to boost confidence, adding uniqueness to our outfits can make you special. For some this could mean bold jewelry or funky socks, adding a hint of your personality into your outfit in a manner consistent with the occasion boosts confidence and contributes to feeling authentic to yourself.


Fashion that Boosts your Mood

Fashion can be a mood booster- using your favorite clothes or bright colours contribute to boosting your mood. Dopamine dressing is the term described for  when you wear clothes that boost joy. Certain colors can evoke feelings that help you feel more confident. While the fierceness of red can help some feel daring and more adventurous, the brightness of yellow might lend the positive mindset some need to be their most confident selves.

Fashion should help you take pride in your appearance and value yourself. This includes the time you spend catering to yourself, such as in grooming or picking an outfit to wear. Spending the right amount of time for yourself  to look your best will help you feel good about yourself and valuing yourself more will help you consistently make decisions that contribute to further enhancing your self-esteem.


There are many ways fashion is important for anyone’s self-confidence. Being true to yourself and using fashion in a way that aligns with your aspirations and the occasion can instill a sense of belonging, and eliminate imposter syndrome. Specific clothing choices that help you feel your best self are also important, alongside harnessing fashion as a tool to show that you value yourself. Personal confidence can help elevate your life, and fashion decisions are a great way to boost confidence. What are some ways that you use fashion in your everyday lives? How do you view fashion? Sound off in the comment section below. 

I’m Nandini, a 3rd year student at UBC Vancouver pursuing Psychology. I’m originally from India, where fashion rules can be very strict. My personal fashion style stems largely from breaking these fashion rules and often dressing crazy – usually seen in my makeup! Over the past few years my fashion choices have seen vast changes, due to not only the my move across the world, but also my realization of the importance of greater sustainability in fashion. In addition to an avid interest in fashion, I am also interested in graphic design and filmmaking.