The Meadow Shop

A Permanent Prairie Vacation

COVER Photography by Trina Cary @trinacaryphotography | Model: Zana Ohe @zanaoheart | Wearing pieces from Meadow @themeadowshop

“When you think of a Meadow you can see the grass blowing and the blue skies. It has that same emotive feeling of waves crashing on the beach,” owner Heather tells us about how her brand’s name Meadow came to be. As an ocean lover in the prairies, Meadow is her “prairie homage to the salt and sea.”

Meadow is a light that emerged just a month into the Covid-19 pandemic. Now celebrating a little over a year since her launch in April 2020, Heather shares with us how she’s gotten to where she is now:

What is your story?

“My love for fashion started quite young – my grandmother taught me how to sew when I was about eight years old. I would spend hours making my own clothing, sewing bits of random fabric together or sketching out ideas for my next project.”

Heather’s love for fashion from a young age, was something that stuck with her into university, where she fell into the wonderful world of retail.

“I worked in retail which fostered my love for design, textiles and combining different aesthetics.”

From having turquoise hair to going au-naturel, Heather has always had fun playing around with fashion. And this love has paved the path for her current ventures.

Photography by Trina Cary @trinacaryphotography | Model: Zana Ohe @zanaoheart | Wearing pieces from Meadow @themeadowshop

Photography by Trina Cary @trinacaryphotography | Model: Zana Ohe @zanaoheart | Wearing pieces from Meadow @themeadowshop

Photography by Trina Cary @trinacaryphotography | Model: Zana Ohe @zanaoheart | Wearing pieces from Meadow @themeadowshop

Photography by Trina Cary @trinacaryphotography | Model: Zana Ohe @zanaoheart | Wearing pieces from Meadow @themeadowshop

What is Meadow?

“Meadow is born from my desire to ‘always be on vacation.’ I am not a winter person and never really have been. I’ve had the good fortune to travel throughout my life, and with a love of textiles, it seemed natural to marry the two.”

Heather asks customers to close their eyes and think of a meadow. What do you see? What do you feel?

“Meadow is my prairie ocean. And I’m so glad to share her with you.”

On Meadow’s online shop, you can expect to see playful, easy-to-wear pieces made with natural textiles, such as linen and cotton, and slow fashion practices in mind. 

“We have some brands who put out sustainability reports once or twice a year, and those are who we choose to align with.”

Who is The Meadow Customer?

“The Meadow woman is a woman who travels, lives curiously, is connected to her friends, family and community, and appreciates the small details in her everyday life – like the way a beam of light might fall through her bedroom window.”

Heather mentions that she notices a wide range of amazing customers who shop Meadow. No matter who you are, the pieces are sure to complement anyone’s existing beauty. 

“I’ll have a piece that is classic and beautiful on a 25-year-old that looks equally stunning on someone in their 50s – many of the items I bring in can translate to different periods of life.”

Photography by Trina Cary @trinacaryphotography | Model: Zana Ohe @zanaoheart | Wearing pieces from Meadow @themeadowshop

Photography by Trina Cary @trinacaryphotography | Model: Zana Ohe @zanaoheart | Wearing pieces from Meadow @themeadowshop

What Inspires You?

Or rather who inspires Heather to put her all into her business? Since having her daughter, she can’t imagine doing anything else.

“I wanted flexible hours and to curate something beautiful for my family.”

As for her inspirations for the brands and items she curates, she likes to choose brands that she’s already shopped with - or ones she’s stumbled upon while doing research. Australian lifestyle brands and bloggers really inspire her.

What is it Like Running a Small Fashion Business?

When working for yourself, it is easy to confuse your work-life balance.

“I work more hours in a week than I ever have before. Because of that, you really have to set boundaries with work and life, or you’ll be on call 24/7.”


But patience is important, as opportunities will come to you. Heather shares that at the beginning of your business venture, you will have to go out and look for brands. But as time goes on brands will eventually start reaching out to you. She also tells of the major expenses that come with running a small business.


“Two major expenses for us: duty on goods and the cost of shipping to our customers. Both of these need to be built into your cost. If you’re not covering them, you’re in a losing battle.”


Besides the advice on expenses, Heather shares the importance of social media when building a brand.

“Social media is your best friend and hire someone who knows how to stretch your content across all of the platforms.” 

P.S. Heather has done this, and I mean, have you seen Meadow’s Instagram feed?!? 

What about the small business landscape in Alberta/Canada?

As a brand that focuses on vacation-wear (in a pandemic, sans vacation), and has a very specific audience, Heather says they are lucky to exist in a time where social media can broaden their reach. 

But she believes due to the “saturation” of businesses, especially in the US market, it’s tricky to breakthrough. 

“You have to understand your message and differentiate yourself from others.”

Photography by Trina Cary @trinacaryphotography | Model: Zana Ohe @zanaoheart | Wearing pieces from Meadow @themeadowshop

Photography by Trina Cary @trinacaryphotography | Model: Zana Ohe @zanaoheart | Wearing pieces from Meadow @themeadowshop

Photography by Trina Cary @trinacaryphotography | Model: Zana Ohe @zanaoheart | Wearing pieces from Meadow @themeadowshop

Photography by Trina Cary @trinacaryphotography | Model: Zana Ohe @zanaoheart | Wearing pieces from Meadow @themeadowshop

Has COVID affected your business?

Heather operates with the motto that relationships come first. This couldn’t be truer during the pandemic. Beginning her business during COVID, she’s experienced all the effects first-hand. 

“COVID has affected Meadow in every way possible. We’ve had our supply chain affected, entire orders have been cancelled, and suddenly the beach destination woman is no longer going anywhere – the entire premise for Meadow!”

But this made her take a step back and look at the people around her. How can she dress the people in Alberta who can’t go on vacation right now? 

“That was a great lesson as suddenly I am dressing the Meadow woman for a Canadian winter.”

Future of Meadow

Firstly, Heather relishes the fact that she launched the business amid the pandemic. 

“It’s been really hard, but I did it.” she celebrates.


She’s worked through one of the hardest years and only sees her shop going up from here. 

“My biggest goal moving forward is to continue reaching new audiences. One day I would love to do a destination shoot – perhaps fly to Hawaii or somewhere else warm and photograph Meadow pieces with a local photographer.”


And her advice to readers and fellow entrepreneurs…


For readers… “Shopping with small and local businesses really does go far.” 

For entrepreneurs… “Find what you’re genuinely passionate about and your love for that will come across.”

Photography by Trina Cary @trinacaryphotography | Model: Zana Ohe @zanaoheart | Wearing pieces from Meadow @themeadowshop

Photography by Trina Cary @trinacaryphotography | Model: Zana Ohe @zanaoheart | Wearing pieces from Meadow @themeadowshop

How to Find Meadow

Meadow offers private studio appointments where you can try on pieces or add to your existing wardrobe – you can bring your favourite pieces that you already own, and they will pick outfits to go with it. Or for a fun day out with the girls… they can set up small shopping parties with prosecco!

If you live in the Edmonton area, they offer studio pickup to save you on shipping costs! But if you do choose to get it shipped, Heather makes sure her packaging is on point. Every order from Meadow will feel like you’re receiving a present! 


You can find them online at and check them out on Instagram (@themeadowshop), Facebook (@TheMeadowShop), and Pinterest (@themeadowshop).

Shannon Hugh is from Toronto, ON and is currently studying at the Fashion Institute of Technology. She enjoys learning about different cultures, sustainability, multimedia and all things fashion. Her goal is to always experiment and share her experiences with others to make the abnormal…normal.