Humans of Fashion: Saraswati Designs

Humans of Fashion: Saraswati Designs
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From the seed, everything grows. Purpose is something that we are rarely ever certain of, yet it is through trial, error, and self-discovery that we should so graciously stumble upon our path. Ten years ago, this is where the story of Saraswati Designs began. Sabrina Siponen, the designer behind the jewelry, travelled home to India where she attended the great Kumbh Mela Gathering. It was here at the confluence of the Ganges, Jamuna and the mythical Sarasvati river that a seed was planted, a seed of intention to spread knowledge and to birth a point of connection. “Adornment and femininity is something that should be celebrated. It should be fun and intentional, and I guess that’s my mission. I want people to wear things that make them feel empowered.” 

It was during her travels to India that Sabrina should also be exposed to what would become the concept for her jewelry. “I really got into sacred geometry. I realized that sacred geometry jewelry didn't exist and I wanted to find an accessible way to bring it to the mainstream.” Falling in line with having studied math and education in University, it feels only natural that she should feel drawn to these sacred principles that underlie all of life. “I create a lot of the jewelry as a reminder. They can be used as a daily reminder when they look in the mirror, when they look at their hands, or when they look at their ears, that they are connected to something bigger.” 

Image from Saraswati Designs

Image from Saraswati Designs

The idea that we are connected to something bigger than ourselves is a vein that can be felt coursing throughout the jewelry. Whether it be from the memory of jewelry being passed down from her great grandmothers or the “generations and generations of goldsmiths” that are closely collaborated with to craft it, the intention is carefully carried over to the wearer and imbues a sense of peace that we are not alone. 

Sabrina is no stranger to the immense amount of courage it takes to pioneer a new path on a road that has been so rigorously traversed. “We've all been so manipulated by what the media is telling us, like we need things and status to be successful” Clothing and fashion is of no exception, but it is through awareness and conscious choice that we may be able to make a change in our relationship to consumerism. “It's really interesting knowing that, but then also selling a product. Being in the middle, yes we do need some things- we need things that make us feel good and connected, and that’s what I’m trying to do.” 

When it comes to her own connection to the jewelry, Sabrina is well aware of the balance one has to achieve between discipline and creativity. “I'm just really trying to follow my inspiration for what's coming next. I also have to run a business, so even though it's exciting and fun to be a designer, ninety percent of my time is actually spent on running a business. The marketing, distribution, ordering and things like that.” 

Great things take perseverance to achieve and we should not shy away from the hardships and challenges that we are sometimes faced with. In a time of much unrest and upheaval, it’s imperative that we remember the reason why we started doing things and how we want to continue on. “Although there's some really hard times and some really sad things happening, I think that without it, we wouldn't be re-prioritizing what's actually important to us and how we want to run our business. It brings you back to your mission.” 

Image from Saraswati Designs

Image from Saraswati Designs

Beautiful things can happen when the space is allowed to do so. We may not know what the future holds or even our place in it but this much is true, “as soon as we realize that we can work together in transforming what's happening [in the world] into something beautiful and we remember our connectedness, our sacredness, our connection to the earth and to each other the better things will get, and hopefully we'll all grow together.” Like the rivers that flow together in India, we too are a confluence of life, power and inspiration. This is the seed of what it means to be human and this too is the intention of Saraswati. 

Find your own connection with the jewelry in person at 10462 82 Ave or online at 

“Those who see all things in themselves, and themselves in all beings, relinquish hatred. How can the seeming diversity of life delude the one who has seen its unity” 

Isha Unpanishad

Stephany Anzora is, at the core, simply a human invested in exploring and expressing what it means to be alive. With a penchant for the human condition, her sole aim is to be as authentic and as honest as possible. Through introspection, expression and embodiment, she seeks to tell the stories that need to be heard.

Website: | Instagram: @aluvrbe | @szonara